
Créée en 1954, l’asbl CIRÉ (Coordination et initiatives pour réfugiés et étrangers) défend les droits des personnes exilées, avec ou sans titre de séjour depuis plus de 65 ans. Par son...


Comment devenir un entrepreneur en trois étapes! Par La Ruche, le principal incubateur d’entreprises sociales...


“Vet opportunities for migrants and refugees” (acronimo “VET4MIGRE” è un progetto approvato nel programma Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET Development of innovation (Action...

YMCB – Young Migrants Capacity Building

YMCB is a European project whose aim was to develop an innovative approach to support the development of young migrant entrepreneurs. The project developed and piloted education, training and...

Imprenditrici straniere come modello

Cresce in Italia il numero delle imprenditrici nate in un altro paese. Uno studio mostra le loro difficoltà a creare network, ma anche il possibile effetto traino sulla nascita di altre aziende al...

Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship: the role of social economy enterprises in supporting migrant entrepreneurs

The support that the social economy can give to migrant entrepreneurs is extremely relevant and diversified. This chapter analyses how actors from the social economy sector support migrants before,...

INCREA – Migrant entrepreneurs in creative industries

The INCREA project is dedicated to support migrants/refugees and social workers in their integration process in the European societies enhancing their language and entrepreneurial skills through the...

Kaleidoscope – Online course for migrant women to become entrepreneurs

The Kaleidoscope project, funded by Erasmus + project, offers an online training experience for migrant women interested to become entrepreneurs. Register on the platform and have access to...

Entrepreneurship | Business Education | Innovation | Impact

The podcast that brings you interviews with reckless dreamers and their stories of entrepreneurship, innovation and impact. Each week, we’ll talk to dreamers from an eclectic mix of fields- the...

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