OPPORTUNITIESTraining tools, services and opportunities offered by organisations available for entrepreneurs and emerging entrepreneurs from migrant backgrounds.
THE SIRIUS PROJECT : innovative dissemination plan
The project, SIRIUS, builds on a multi-dimensional conceptual framework in which host country or political-institutional, societal and individual-related conditions function either as enablers or as barriers to migrants’, refugees’ and asylum seekers’ integration via the labour...
Higher education for migrants and refugees:
A range of initiatives and funding projects into higher education and research in order to support the integration of migrants and...
E-learning course on entrepreneurship:
E-learning course on entrepreneurship for migrants and...
Business event: pitch session
Annual event organized by Community Migrants to celebrate the international migrants' day. Anyone can apply and pitch his/her business idea to Advisors and...
E- Learning
E- Learning : A series of multimedia e-training tools created first of all for migrant and migrant entrepreneur associations, and to disseminate the contents to a wider...
HELLO EUROPE: The collective voice of citizen
HELLO EUROPE aims to become the collective voice of innovative, empowering citizen solutions in the field of migration. We strive to provide a vision of the kind of work happening in Europe and around the globe, which is creating a better society for people on the move as well as for those who meet...