LA GÉNÉRATION D'IDÉESM.E.HUB offers a free online course to guide wannabe migrant entrepreneurs who have an “entrepreneurial intention” in the development of a concrete and feasible business project through effective strategies, knowledge and tools.

MEHUB propose un cours en ligne gratuit pour aider les néo entrepreneurs à générer leur idée d’entreprise.
This lesson introduces learners to the entrepreneurship world with a special focus on entrepreneurial skills, traits and characteristics and includes questions and worksheets to guide them throughout the discovery of their own view on entrepreneurial skills and their experiences.
This lesson guides learners throughout a self-reflection path on their passions and interests as drivers of business ideas to allow them identify their own best business idea and compare it to similar existing businesses.
This lesson provides learners with an effective insight into the vision and mission of their own business project idea in order to reflect and have an effective approach on the core value of it.
Ce contenu est réservé aux utilisateurs enregistrés.
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