Fundamentals Finance

Article introducing the fundamentals of finance to familiarise people with terminology and enhance their economic...

How the biggest failure can turn into the biggest success?

This podcast episode allows us to reflect on past situations and methods we have tried that may have failed. In order to improve our strategy and do better next time - reflection is key! We can...

Why a lack of sel-awareness could ruin your career?

Article that emphasises the importance of being self-aware and its direct effect on work/careers and professional development. It is essential to be self-aware in a business world, especially when...

Where to find motivation when you need it?

Article with info graphics and diagrams to help people learn what type of person, and therefore what type of motivation you need to stay focused and not give up!...

Principles of management

This course is organized around the well-established planning, organizing, leading, and controlling framework (or, simply, P-O-L-C). Three underlying themes carry throughout: strategic thinking,...

Where does creativity hire?

TED Talk with transcript/subtitles available in 48 languages. The talk describes how we can utilise our human nature and previous experiences to spot opportunites in life and how we value these...

Reaching a compromise

This OER / CC-licensed video clip on leadership, health management, and compromise is one of more than 400 OER videos on leadership and management, shot in more than 12...

Business ethics

Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning,...

Problem solving module

By the end of this section, you will be able to: Describe problem solving strategies; Define algorithm and heuristic; Explain some common roadblocks to effective problem...

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