Microstart – Micro credit funding in Belgium

Ms Salimatu Djalo breaks down the aspects of the “entrepreneurial spirit” and introduces use to Microstart, a micro credit agency of particular interest to those looking for a means to launch or...

Planit – Rethinking your business in a time of crisis

An events company founded by recent arrivals in Belgium, PlanIt had to face the challenges of any young business as well as the added pressure of how to handle the Covid pandemic. In this video the...

Service Publique Wallonie – Support and guidance for entrepreneurs in Wallonia

Mrs Anne-Francoise Cannella, Department of Employment and Professional Development for the Walloon region in Belgium, explains the types of support and the steps to be taken for entrepreneurs from a...

Hassan Al Hilou – The entrepreneurial spirit

Recognised as one of Belgium’s youngest entrepreneurs at the age of 15, Hassan is a serial entrepreneur, strategic advisor on diversity and inclusive innovation and societal transformation. In this...

Miniguida per gli Imprenditori Immigrati

La miniguida nasce nell’ambitodel progetto elaborato dallaAssociazione “Il Filo di Arianna – Onlus”:“Guida all’imprenditoria ed al microcredito per immigrati...


UNITEE plays a crucial role in Europe as it is the only organisation representing entrepreneurs and professionals with a migrant background, whom we refer to as « New Europeans »: people who live...

SMART Volunteering for female migrants

SMART - Volunteering for Female Migrants è un progetto di cooperazione di multi-agency, tra società, comunità imprenditoriali e donne migranti di cinque paesi europei, volto a promuovere una...

A dream called Baby Café by Rachida Bouganzir

This is the story of a strong woman who decided to become an entrepreneur one year ago and her effort to cope with the challenges and difficulties encountered while being a mom. Her name is...

Migratory Pathways for startups and innovative enterprises

The study focuses on ‘start-ups’ and ‘innovative entrepre-neurship’. Innovative start-ups are distinct from general self-employment, which falls outside the scope of the study. Although the...

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