What’s the value of an idea?

This article explains that too often we value execution rather than ideas but it is not so easy to be able to imagine new...

6 proven way to increase your creativity:

This video from Forbes explains that by focusing on some activities and developing patterns, you will develop your...

How to get better at spotting opportunities:

This article from HBR develops the concept of "promotion focus" in order to identify new...

How to create a killer personal brand?

This article, combined with its free worksheet, can help Pre-startups to be creative and use their artistic and passionate nature to create an amazing brand for their potential business! It offers...

The battle between your present and your future self:

A video that explores the way that every decision we make leads to a consequence and contributes to our future. Each action we take can lead us down a different path. States the importance of having...

Why introspection matters?

A video that explains why introspection of yourself and your vision matters. It is important to know your own interests, passions and value of your business idea to be able to make the most of...

Ways to unlock your entrepreneurial creativity?

This article guides potential entrepreneurs to become more creative by providing tips and tricks to follow in their business journey. A good starting point for any Pre-startup...

Ways to deal with uncertainty

Article with tips and techniques to help cope with...

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